

The library allows its users to reproduce its documents through:

  • photocopies;
  • photographs or digital scans;
  • personal means of reproduction.

This service is limited to the material owned by the library and it is meant for the personal use of the readers, according to the current legislation on copyright, in particular to the paragraphs 3, 5, and 6 of article 68 of the April 22, 1941 law, n. 633, with the updates introduced by the legislative decree on April 9, 2003, n. 68.


No material dated before 1950 can be photocopied (unless authorized by the librarians). Materials dated after 1951 can be photocopied, excluding, as usual, big size volumes and volumes that are not in good conditions.

The applicant can reproduce the documents with his or her own resources, or with the help of the library personnel.


The current rates for the photocopying service are:

A4 photocopies  0,10 cents

A3 photocopies  0,20 cents

A4 and A3 scansions 0,20 cents

Times and methods

Reproductions made by the library

If the user wants the library to reproduce the documents, he or she can send a request also by email: the library will reproduce the documents after the user has accepted the cost plan. The delivery time is 5 working days plus the weekend from the moment the library receives the payment.
The files, even in high resolution, will be sent by email.

Reproductions made with the user’s own means

According to the current legislation (L. August 4, 2017 n. 124, Art 1, paragraph 171 which partially modifies the art 108 D. Lgs. 42/2004) bibliographical and archival documents can be freely reproduced only for studying and research purposes, besides for the free manifestation of one’s thoughts or creative expression, and promotion of the cultural heritage -all no-profit. The free reproduction has to respect the current legislation on copyright (April 22, 1941 law, n. 633 and further updates), which doesn’t include archival documents with restricted access. Photographs have to be taken according to the current legislation and without damaging the document: for this reason, it is not allowed to use table stands, tripods or other stands, flash, lamps, lamps to read the watermarks, Wood lamp, scanners or other tools that require a direct contact with the document.

Images must be reproduced according to the library regulations and according to the April 22, 1941 law, n.633 (LDA) and further modifications, which regulate copyright. Only up to the 15% of the published work can be photocopied. The user can print more than the 15% only after stating that the work is “out of print”.

Off-site requests and payment
The Library accepts requests of reproduction by email. The person in charge of the service will draft a cost plan and will contact the applicant about the fees.

Download the application form

Request Information

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