Loan of Books

Loan of Books

General Information

  • The loan service has to be managed with the help of the library personnel. If minors are involved, the parents are considered responsible to return the texts in perfect conditions.
  • You can borrow up to two documents.
  • The duration of the loan is 20 days.
  • It is not possible to borrow texts that have been published before 1950 and texts with strong local interest.
  • When being returned, the texts must be given back to the library personnel, who will place them on the appropriate shelves.
  • Book reservations and extensions on the loans can be done only once and with a duration of 20 days. Requests can be placed at the library or by emails. It is not possible to extend the loan if the texts have been booked by other users.

The library also offers the possibility of interlibrary loans, meaning the provision of an original document, photocopied or in an electronic version, together with the request of a cost plan, from other libraries. The delivery fees are to be paid by the user.

Responsibility of the User

The user:

  • is personally responsible for the books that he or she has borrowed or that he or she is consulting;
  • when borrowing the book, the user should check its conditions and report any anomalies. If not reported, the user will be considered responsible for any damage found on the book when returned, and he or she will have to pay the amount agreed with the library personnel. The damaged text can be kept by the user only if he or she provides the library with an exact copy of itt; in the other cases, the library keeps the damaged text;
  • is committed to returning the documents to the library within the due date, otherwise he or she will be suspended from the service.


Request Information

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