In the past years, the Archiepiscopal Public Library “A. De Leo” has started a series of campaigns in favour of public libraries and the importance of reading. Reading and libraries are two knots of an intimate and important interweaving, kept together by a web of inextricable connections: the growth of the former is beneficial to the latter, just like an investesting in favour of libraries is fundamental to consolidate reading practices.In fact, the library believes that it is important to read from a very young age (even before to be born): children enjoy listening to the human voice, whether this is talking, singing, telling or reading a Story.
Reading to a child results in forming a special and intense relationship with him or her.
Reading to a child also means to give him or her the possibility to increase his or her attention, to create an attitude to listening, to foster his or her fantasy and imagination.
To this day, we have these campaigns running:
Help us grow. Give us a book!
This is a campaign dedicated to raise awareness around children’s literacy; it invites people to donate new editions of books for children to the library.
Looking ahead, keeping an eye on the past.
This is a campaign to donate the 5×1000 to the Archiepiscopal Public Library “A. De Leo”.
Closed doors, lights turned on culture. The delivery library.
This is a campaign to encourage people to read by delivering books to their homes. This idea was born after the library was forced to close its doors due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Baby books
In this difficult January 2021, many baby boys and girls were born in Brindisi, because life goes on with love, strength and determination. To the parents of these newborns we ask to send us an email at attaching the baby’s document of birth, spelling out the name, surname and address. The library will deliver by bike or send via mail the baby’s first book.
The library has also been joining some awareness-raising campaigns organized by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, and Tourism (MiBACT):
Let’s book! Reading days in schools, initiative managed through the Center for the Book and for Reading and from the Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), General Direction for the student.
I read because, initiative promoted by the Italian Association of Editors, to donate a book to the school libraries, from 21 to 29 November 2020.
Reading May, initiative started in 2011 with the goal of highlighting the social value of books in the personal, cultural and civil growth of individuals. Reading May is a national campaign that invites people to read in non-traditional places, to stimulate the curiosity of those who normally wouldn’t read.
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