b. OM / 21 part I
1. sec. XVI Extract from the Holy Visit of Msgr. Bovio for the rights of
tenth of the chapter on some lands owned by Baldassarre Sciala.
2. sec. XVI Extracts of Santa Visite by Archbishop Pisicelli and Bovio
proving the right of tithe on some lands owned by Giacinto Carvignoli.
3. 1565/1767 Copies of the Holy Visits of the archbishops of Brindisi in their diocese.
4. sec. XVIII Extract of a Holy Visit in the chapel of SS. Sacrament.
5. 1911 Questionnaire for the Holy Visit to the church of S. Anna.
6. 1911 As above in the royal basilica of Brindisi.
7. 1919 Report of the Holy Visit of Archbishop Valeri in the
metropolitan church of Brindisi.
8. 1929 Questionnaire for the report of the state of the chapter
to the archbishop.
9. 1929 State of the cathedral parish.
Part II
1. 1548/1924 Fragments of chapter conclusions with transitions from the books
of the conclusions by Archdeacon Teodoro Caravaglio.
Part III
1st century XVIII / XX Various reports and handwritten sermons (also contains the
speech given by canon Caravaglio to Archbishop Margiotta on his visit to Brindisi.
Part IV
1. 21 July 1614 Authentication for the relic of one of the martyrs of the region
Thebes donated to S. Lorenzo da Brindisi.
2. 13 May 1688 Authentication for the relic of St. Nicholas of Bari donated to
Geronimo Cala.
3. 22 Jan 1701 Authentication for the relic of St. Nicholas of Bari.
4. 2 nov. 1712 Authentication for the relic of S. Antonio Abate and S.
Francis of Assisi.
5. 2 nov. 1712 Authentication for the relic of S. Francesco di Paola.
6. 2 nov. 1712 Authentication for the relic of S. Anna and S.
7. 20 nov. 1712 Authentication for the relic of St. Teresa.
8. 12 Jul. 1723 Authentication for the relic of the veil of the Blessed Virgin
and for the relic of the blood of Jesus.
9. 18 Jul. 1750 Approval of Archbishop Antonio Serzale for
the authenticity of all the relics of the Brindisi church.
10. 29 apr. 1765 Authentic for the relics of S. Modesto, S. Prospero, S.
Clemente and S. Adeodato.
11. 13 dec. 1783 Authentic for the relics of Blessed Lorenzo da Brindisi.
12. 20 Jul. 1796 Authentication for the relics of S. Fedele da Sigmaringa and S.
Felice da Cantolicio.
13. 4th July 1798 Authentication for the relic of St. Lawrence of Brindisi.
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