Ecclesiastical Causes

C / 1

1. 1521 May 18 Protest and appeal to the Holy Council for the cause between the chapter of Brindisi and Pirro archdeacon of Brindisi who wanted to exercise the office of vicar general in the archdiocese of Brindisi and Oria on behalf and in the name of Giovanni Pietro Carafa elected archbishop in Brindisi.

2. 1523 October 14 Council of the jurisperit Abbot Angelo Tarallo of Lecce for the jurisdiction of the archbishopric in vacant seat with copy of sentence in favor of Sergio Leofante.

3. 1543 April 16 Deposition by Andrea Mattarello of Brindisi on the right of collation of the benefit of S. Antonio existing in the metropolitan church of Brindisi.

4. 1546 8 November Copy of the sentence for the case between the chapter and friar Angelo Mondino and others for a possession of land in the district of S. Maria del Casale, known as Il Campanile, with an authenticated certificate by Giovanni Battista Castromediano, bishop of Lecce ( copy made by Alfonso Cava di Francavilla, apostolic notary).

5. 1546 Acts for the cause between the chapter of Brindisi and Roberto Caballerio who claimed an annual portion as canon (contains Caballerio’s plea to the archbishop of Brindisi and Oria, the decree of the curia drawn up by the notary Alfonso Cava of Francavilla and authenticated from the bishop of Lecce, a letter from Ferdinando Loffredo to the chapter written at the request of Caballerio for the review of the cause).

6. 1546 Copy of the petition presented by some priests of Brindisi to the archbishop to be condoned by an ecclesiastical penalty.

7. 1547 November 3 Proceedings for the cause held in the Episcopal court of Gallipoli between the chapter and friar Angelo Gabrielo for the possession of some lands (contains the letter of Luca De Magistris of Gallipoli and the sentence).

8. 1548 June 18 Mandate of the vicar of Brindisi extracted from the acts of the curia of the vicar forane of Brindisi

9. 1562 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the cathedral college of Brindisi for the appointment of the vicar forane that the chapter of Mesagne claimed to do in the vacant seat of the archbishopric of Brindisi.

10. 1563 4 May Copy of the appearance of Francesco Vecchio procurator of the vicar of the chapter and clergy of Brindisi and sentence of excommunication against Stefano Rubeo di Mesagne.

11. 1581 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the provincial of the Capuchins of Terra d’Otranto for the possession of some houses in Brindisi donated by Pietrobono.

12. 1584 Acts for the cause between the chapter and Apollonia Caniglia of Brindisi for the property donated by this with the acquittal of the oath sworn for this donation (contains the description of the facts and the decree of acquittal issued by the vicar general of Brindisi Giacomo Antonio Monetta).

13. 1587 Dossier containing the transunto of the instruments, agreements and transactions on the count with the chapter of Brindisi.

14. 1594 December 14 Copy of the deed of obligation existing in the criminal acts of the archiepiscopal court of Brindisi for the donation of the canon Domenico Stea.

15. 1597 12 July Information for the cause between the chapter and Abbot Pomponio Sbitri for the usurpation of some lands in the Fiumicelli district and for the fishing of eels and for the use of the tanks to treat the rushes.

16. s.d. Legal allegations in the form of an application, made by the chapter for the admission of a secular person to the vicariate.

17. s.d. Allegation made by Ottavio Giovio on the right of tithes of the lands of Monte Ferraro for the cause between the bursar of the chapter and the capitulars themselves.

b. C / 2

1. 1600 April 9 Depositions of various citizens to the archiepiscopal curia of Brindisi on the right of the chapter to accompany the dead, for the cause against the regulars of Brindisi.

2. 1602 February 4 Appearance and sentence pronounced in the metropolitan archiepiscopal curia of Brindisi for the cause of the Monticelli benefit.

3. 1604 Process made in the archiepiscopal curia of Brindisi against the chapter of Mesagne which claimed the right to elect the vicar forane in a vacant seat (contains documents of the sixteenth century with some decrees of the Sacred Council).

4. 1606 Acts for the cause between the chapter and Archbishop Falces (contains the minute of the petition to the pontiff, the interrogation of the priests made by the apostolic commissioner and the list of the causes made by the chapter to said archbishop).

5. 1615 7 February Proceedings for the cause between the chapter and Francesco De Napoli and Fumisetti heirs for the right of a house in Brindisi.

6. 1628 Decision of the Sacred Council and acts for the cause for the offering of the candle and the palms for the blessing to the archbishop.

7. 1629 Deeds for the investment of some money linked to the chapter by Alferio Olea.

8. 1630 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the Dominican and Carmelite friars in Brindisi who claimed not to pay the fourth and eighth on certain pious legacies received.

9. 1631 Concord established by Pier Gentile Ugolino auditor of the apostolic nuncio in Naples between the chapter of Brindisi and the nunciature of the kingdom for the canonical prebends.

10. 1636 Deposition for the case against the University of Carovigno which owed the chapter some annual sums for the legacy of Giulia Cesare Coci.

11. 1637/38 Proceedings for the cause of Virginia Moricino’s inheritance with curial assents, deposition of witnesses, deed of donation and inventory of assets.

12. 1641 Acts for the cause concerning an abuse of pasture on the Gnori del Capitolo farm.

13. 1642 Proceedings for some transformations on the Naghiro-Marangia inheritance.

14. 1643 Appearance of the chapter in the underground hearing for the case against Antonio Marzullo corporal of Torre Cavallo defaulting on the payment of some tithes.

15. 1644 Acts for the cause between the archbishopric of Brindisi and the chapter of Monopoli for Brindisi’s claim to raise the metropolitan cross while passing the archbishop through Monopoli.

16. 1644/45 Proceedings for the cause of the Nicolas inheritance.

17. 1644/46 Acts for the Pascali inheritance.

b. C / 3

1. 1653 Various deeds for the establishment of the benefit of the Bia family.

2. 1655 Acts for the cause of the inheritance of canon Bartolomeo Sasso.

3. 1655/56 Ecclesiastical acts for the civil case between the chapter and Apollonia Leanza mother and tutor of Giovanni Antonio Pilella for the restitution of a house to the chapter.

4. 1667 October 24 Act for the cause against the colonists of the chapter who owned property in the La Foresta district.

5. 1667 Sentence for the lawsuit against Donato De Leonardo and Giuseppe Cavallo.

6. 1668 Acts for the cause of the Villanova inheritance.

7. 1672 Proceedings for the right of the third ebdomata.

8. 1684 Fragment of a lawsuit against the tenants of the Casignano farm.

9. 1684 Proceedings for the cause of the Nicolas inheritance.

10. 1685 Begun in 1666 Acts for the cause of benefit, under the title of the Holy Trinity, founded by the deceased Archbishop Falces and with the jus of the Falces family.

11. 1687 Acts for the cause against the preaching fathers in Brindisi.

12. 1690/91 Proceedings for the cause of the benefits of St. Mary of Bethlehem of the family of St. George and of Catiniano.

13. 1693/96 Proceedings for the cause against the friars minor of S. Francesco di Paola for the lease payment for the house that belonged to the deceased Fornari in front of the church of SS. Trinity.

14. 1698 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the archiepiscopal curia for the archdeaconal prebend.

b. C / 4

1. 1645/1725 Proceedings for the cause of the Macedonio inheritance.

b. C / 5

1. 1667 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the war people of the castle of Brindisi benefiting from the legacy of the field master Luigi Ferrejra for the distribution of the benefits of the homonymous mountain (contains the war people of 1667 and the list of families benefit).

2. 1724 Exposition of the chapter to the archbishop for the cause of the beneficiaries and attendants at the altar.

b. C / 6

1. 1727 Fragment of the trial between the chapter and the canon Francesco Stea who, absent from Brindisi, demanded participation.

2. 1728 Fragment of the cause between the chapter and the canon Carlo Arrisi for the above reasons.

3. 1732 Trial for unmarried marriages according to the bequest of Virginia Moricino.

4. 1745 Acts for the cause of the administration of the archdeacon’s prebend owned by Pietro Antonio Stea.

5. 1749 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the clerics Francesco and Pasquale Mezzacapo for the rights to the Donno Curri farm.

6. 1752 Acts for the cause between the college of the Pious Schools and the chapter.

7. 1757 January 21 Sentence issued by the archiepiscopal court of Brindisi for the cause between the chapter and the conventual minors of St. Paul for the possession of some tithes on some lands in the fief of Calone.

8. 1761 August 15 Proceedings for the cause of the fourth funeral with the inherent provisions of the University of Brindisi.

9. 1766/79 Proceedings for the case against the Romano family of Lecce (copies).

10. 1768 Proceedings for the cause for the dressing of the novice Teodoro D’Ippolito.

11. 1768/69 Proceedings for the case against Archbishop De Rossi who claimed in the Holy Visit to visit and check the papers in the chapter archive, by decision of the Sacred Congregation.

12. 1770 Acts of diligence formed by the chapter following the letter of the royal delegate for the manner of accompanying and burying the dead.

13. 1771 Acts for the cause for the service to be rendered before entering the capitular participations.

14. 1793 November 22 Decision of the archiepiscopal curia of Brindisi in favor of the chapter for the right on the capitular arch.

b. C / 7

1. 1845 Allegation by Giacinto Galante and Bartolomeo Guida for the cause educated in the archiepiscopal curia of Naples between Luigi Giusso and Francesco De Martino for the raising of a De Martino building next to the Candelora church in Naples.

2. 1861 December 10 Memory of a priest of Francavilla on the capitular vicariate of Oria (print).

3. 1868 Memoirs to demonstrate how the archbishop’s residence belonged to the cathedral of Brindisi and not to Ostuni and that the holy oils were to be consecrated in the cathedral of Brindisi.

4. 1870 Defense of Archdeacon Tarantini for the case against the canon De Castro, De Marco and Chimienti for the rights to participate.

5. 1880 July 1 Libellus for the postulation for the cause of beatification of the Servant of God Francesco Maria Castelli of the order of the Barnabites (print with photograph).

6. 1880 Notes for the administration of the chapel of St. Joseph of the legate Granafei.

7. 1880 Proceedings for the supplement to the ancient constitution and plan of the church of Brindisi.

8. 1881 Minute of the report made by Luigi Zambetta apostolic protonotary at the consistory of 2 December 1881 in which he voted for the canonization of Father Lorenzo da Brindisi.

9. 1881 Compendium of the life and acts for the cause of beatification of Chiara Della Croce of Montefalco of the order of St. Augustine (print).

10. 1896 Proceedings for the cause for the canonical prebends of the church of Brindisi with the decrees of the Sacred Congregation of Cardinals.

11. 1899 Decision of the archiepiscopal curia of Brindisi for the controversy between the canon Cosimo Giorgino and the chapter for the rights of participation.

12. s.d. Comparison between the accusations from the chapter to the archbishop and presented to the king and the defenses written by the archbishop himself.

part II

1. 1907 Restricted fact and law for the cause between the archconfraternity of the immaculate of S. Vito dei Normanni and the brotherhood of S. Francesco of the same city by decision of the Sacred Congregation of the Concili (print).

2. 1908 As above restricted and answered.

3. 1911 Acts for the revision of the statutes of the chapter.

4. 1911/12 Acts for the conferral of the archpriesthood curated by canon Vincenzo Memmola with dispensation from the competition, with apostolic decision for the perpetual separation of this dignity from the care of souls.

5. 1912 Acts for the cause between the chapter and the out-of-mass priests for the rights of participation.

6. 1916/24 Acts for the cause between Archpriest Camassa and Archdeacon Lopez for the rights of the archdeacon with the inherent decrees of the archbishop.

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