b. D / 1, part I
1.1310 / 13 Acts of receipt of the archbishop of Bari and Canosa Landolfo and of the bishop of Salpi Galgano for papal tithes.
2. 14 Sept. 1345 Indiz. XIII. Letter from Catherine, empress of Constantinople and princess of Taranto, addressed to the capitular vicar and to the chapter of Brindisi to inform that Nicola Neciareo, Greek monk of S. Nicola di Casole of the order of S. Basilio and his family member, was to be abbot of the monastery of S. Matteo in Brindisi of the same order
3. 4 June 1370 Act of receipt issued by Magno Vetulo, in charge of Pope Urban V for the exemption of tithes, to the chapter and canons of Brindisi for having received a silver chalice, a silver cross, some sacred parameters, a book and other objects.
4. 20 Oct 1398 Act of receipt of Abbot Giacomo de Abbundantia, canon of Brindisi and vicar general of the archbishop, for the exemption of papal tithes.
part II
1. 14 weeks 1402 Act of receipt by Joannuccio Caraptulus of Lecce for the income paid by the chapter for a house near S. Paolo.
2. April 3, 1404 Act of receipt of Floriniano di S. Paolo di Casal Nuovo, subcollector appointed by Nicola Stasio cantor of the church of Consa and collector of the pope for the papal tithes paid by the chapter of Brindisi.
3. April 10, 1434 Act of receipt by Nicola Stasio, cantor of the church of Consa and subcollector in the archdiocese of Brindisi on behalf of the archbishop of Naples Nicola, for the papal tithes imposed by Pope Eugene.
4. 1485 Privileges signed for the church of Brindisi, at the request of the chapter, of the archbishop of Brindisi Roberto de Pisicelli.
5. July 28, 1486 Direct letter to the commissioners Marsilio and Jacopo Ribera de Casanzio deputies for the collection of the tithes imposed by the king on the prelates of the kingdom, so that he has nothing to demand from the archbishop of Brindisi, exempted for particularity.
6. March 17, 1499 Letter from the archbishop of Brindisi Roberto Pesicelli sent from Naples to the chapter so that the cantor should not take a portion when he does not attend the choir in person or through a substitute.
part III
1. 10 January 1506 Letter from Roberto Pisicelli, archbishop of Brindisi and Oria and perpetual administrator of the church of Mottola, addressed to Angelo Punzinello and Antonio Mondino, procurator of the Brindisi chapter, so that under pain of excommunication and 200 pounds of wax have to be divided annually on the day of S. Leucio the census of the church among the 24 canons.
Date from Palazzo di Brindisi.
2. 20 April 1509 Letter from Roberto Pisicelli archbishop of Brindisi and Oria and bishop of the church of Mottola in which he declares that for special occasions he consecrated the oil in the cathedral church of Oria and that however this fact does not perpetually exclude the right of consecration in its cathedral church in Brindisi.
Given by S. Pancrazio by the hand of the chancellor of the curia.
3. 1524 Privileges for the church of Brindisi requested by the chapter from the new archbishop Gerolimo Aleandro Trevisano and signed by his general procurator Domenico de Mussis.
4. 13 October 1524 Decree of the royal chamber, signed by the Count of S. Severino and addressed to the governor of Terra d’Otranto for exemption from the wine duty in favor of the clerics of Brindisi.
5. May 26, 1575 Provision for the royal audience issued by Cesare Januario, soldier of the order of St. Paul and governor of Terra d’Otranto at the request of the chapter of Brindisi for the confirmation of the immunities of the three married clerics that the chapter had the right to keep in the service of his church.
6. April 29, 1542 Provision of Ferdinando Loffredo, governor of Terra d’Otranto, to the abbot Vito Pinello apostolic commissioner for the protection of the vacant chapter against the rights of counting
7. November 5, 1545 year XII of the pontificate of Paul III, year IV of the prelate in Brindisi of Francesco Aleandro. Bull of Francesco Aleandro, archbishop of Brindisi and Oria in favor of Luigi de Splà of Brindisi appointed his auditor and substitute. Given in Mesagne by the usual palace of his residence.
8. September 26, 1546 Decree of Alfonso de Aragona de Piccolomini, Duke of Malfi, in favor of the curia of Brindisi, at the request of the chapter, against Agostino Villanova and Giulio Cuggiò, for the transport, armed by hand, against the will of some colonists, of some cereals of the decimal lands to the chapter in the Cinnerazzi district.
9. September 11, 1548 Royal provision in favor of the chapter of Brindisi for immunity from any gabelle on any property also to be purchased.
10. September 17, 1548 Provision of Ferrante Loffredo, Marquis of Trevico and governor of the provinces of Otranto and Bari, and captain general, for the exemption from the duty on wine and assets for the legitimate successors and beneficiaries of the chapter.
11. October 24, 1548 Ferdinando Loffredo’s salary allowance to the vicar of Brindisi so that he would not abuse his authority against the chapter.
12. May 31, 1552 Order of the royal court to the governor of Terra d’Otranto so that the clergy of Brindisi be respected to house the king’s soldiers who the year before led by Marco Antonio de Loffredo had requisitioned their houses, distracting them from peace and from divine worship.
13. February 3, 1554 Salary allowance of Braccio Martello, bishop of Lecce and lieutenant of Ferdinando Loffredo for the exemption of the oil duty for the clerics of Brindisi.
14. November 3, 1554 Provision of the royal court at the University of Brindisi so that the chapter is immune from the tax on grain and wine that is also produced on lands leased to the laity.
15. November 23, 1554 Salary allowance of Ferdinando Loffredo for the above reasons.
16. February 4, 1555 Salary allowance of Cicco Loffredo, lieutenant general of the governor of Terra d’Otranto for the exemption of taxes and duties in favor of lay servants at the service of the capitulars.
17. 3 September 1555 Provision of the Royal Chamber at the University of Brindisi for the exemption of the doctor’s tax in favor of the chapter.
18. March 24, 1561 Exequatur of the Roman curia to the requests made by the chapter to strike down the excommunication against the holders of the papers in the archive of the chapter and against the holders of some properties.
19. 1562 Process for the just sale of some vineyards in the Moricino district, linked to the chapter of Rosa Pagano for the reconstruction of three shops in the public square near the shops of S. Spirito and Maestro Leonardo Ferraro.
20. 9 September 1562 Monitorio of the vicar general of Brindisi Agostino Salvatore for the exemption of the duty on must in favor of clerics.
21. March 31, 1563 Decree of Innico de Aragona de Piccolomini at the royal audience in Otranto so that they do not interfere or do anything against the vicar, the clerics and priests and ecclesiastical people of Brindisi.
22. May 27, 1563 Decree of the same to the same for the same reason.
23. October 10, 1564 Exequatorial letter from the viceroy in Naples de Ribeira for the apostolic bull of the archbishop of Brindisi and Oria Giovanni Carlo Bovio.
24. March 15, 1567 Exequatorial letters of the same mentioned above the reform of the nuns of S. Benedetto in Brindisi.
25. February 7, 1572 Decree of luca Flisco, bishop of Andria for the delivery of the sacred pallium to the elected archbishop of Brindisi Bernardino de Figueroa.
26. 1572 Privileges of the Brindisi church requested by the chapter and granted by the archbishop of Brindisi Bernardino de Figueroa.
27. May 26, 1575 Provision of the royal hearing in favor of the chapter of Brindisi because he will be excluded from observing the law of the University regarding the useful distances for grazing in the lands near the city walls.
28. April 26, 1579 Copy of the conclusion of the chapter made on April 22, 1579 and approved by Archbishop Figueroa around the service established for the ecclesiastics to enter the gremio of the chapter.
29.24 December 1582 Letter from the viceregal court to the lieutenant and master portularo in Brindisi and to the mayor of the University so that the archbishop can close a road that leads from the marina to the defense bastion for the enlargement of the church, provided that another one opens in replacement.
30. December 27, 1582 Letter from the same to the archbishop of Brindisi for the above reason.
31. 1591 Privileges of the church of Brindisi requested by the chapter and granted by Archbishop Andrea De Ajardi.
32. March 15, 1596 Letter from the viceregal court to the lord of Brindisi so that he does not interfere in the affairs of the chapter.
part IV
1. 20 December 1601 Decree of the Sacred Congregation not to sing in the choir for one hour after the sung mass.
2. March 2, 1602 Decree of the Sacred Congregation so that solemn masses and other functions are by right of the dignities of the chapter and not of the vicar general.
3. October 16, 1609 Decree of the Sacred Congregation so that the canons are not required to carry the cross and the pontifical tail and that they can congregate even without notifying the archbishop (refers to the decrees of 1583 and 1584).
4. 1610 Letter from Cardinal Gallo of the Sacred Congregation for the election of the chapter vicar and meetings of the chapter.
5. January 30, 1616 Decree of the Sacred Congregation so that the functions pertinent to the archbishop in case of absence are entrusted to the first half of the chapter.
6. July 19, 1619 Decree of the Sacred Congregation so that a capitular who exercises the care of souls can be elected capitular vicar in a vacant seat in Oria.
7. September 2, 1620 Archbishop Falces decree against friars of the convent of S. Maria della Grazia to intervene in public processions.
8. April 28, 1621 Provision of the Royal Chamber against Vittorio Pascale and his heirs for the fulfillment in favor of the chapter of the census imposed on the house that belonged to Giovanni Antonio Gigante near the church of the Sepulcher.
9. January 7, 1626 Request of the capitulars to the archbishop for the distribution of the masses of the pious legates.
10. 31 December 1629 Act of faith of the capitulars for the assignments to the functions due to the dignities of the chapter for solemn feasts in the absence of the archbishop.
11. August 31, 1631 Payment warrant for the Monetta legacy.
12. July 20, 1633 Act of faith of the mayor Luca Sarmento for the receipt of some gabelles of the capitulars with the mandate for payment of the chapter.
13. December 22, 1634 Deed of faith by the University cashier Luca Sarmento for taxes on money, which records the chapter on university income.
14. December 23, 1634 Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the duties of canons in choir during the celebrations of masses.
15. 1635 Decree of the archbishop of Brindisi so that priests under ecclesiastical punishment do not neglect to fulfill their moral obligations and the celebrations of masses.
16. August 31, 1635 Payment mandate from Luca Sarmento for the census on university income.
17. 6 December 1635 Provision of the Royal Chamber against the University of Carovigno for the income of 1000 ducats due to the chapter.
18. 1635 Decree of the Royal Chamber for the aforementioned case against the University of Brindisi.
19. 12 December 1637 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Cardinals for the exemptions to the wild deacons of the Brindisi church.
20. 1640 Decree of Archbishop Monetta, vicar general for the protection of the rights of the church of Brindisi on the Calone fief.
21. March 14, 1643 Decree of the Sacred Congregation in favor of the new portion holders Antonio Splà and Nicola Antonio Pinto.
22. May 17, 1667 Decree of the archbishop of Brindisi De Estrada for the benefit established by Caterina Barone.
23. 1669 Decree for inheritance gaps contested by the chapter.
24. 1673 Act of faith of the guardian of the convent of S. Maria del Casale in Brindisi of the Capuchin order for the satisfaction of some masses of some legates of the chapter.
25. 1692 Provision of the royal chamber for what the University of Brindisi owed to the chapter and monastery of St. Benedict.
26. February 12, 1699 Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the precedence of some renounced canons in the processions.
part V
1. April 16, 1717 Supplication of the nuns of St. Clare of Brindisi to the chapter so that at the passage of the procession of St. Theodore they be allowed to venerate the body of the glorious saint in their church (with the approval of the chapter signed by the canon procurator general).
2. 15 August 1722 Exequatur regio in favor of Andrea Maddalena elected bishop of Ugento.
3. September 15, 1722 Apostolic assent for the use of 300 ducats as a redeemable income from the sale made to the fathers of S. Francesco di Paolo of the warehouse left to the chapter by Giovanni Spinelli.
4. November 28, 1722 Regio exequatur to the apostolic brief for the appointment of Andrea Maddalena as archbishop of Brindisi.
5. 6 December 1724 Letter from Archbishop Salerno Paolo de Villana Perlas in which he affirms that the Archbishop of Brindisi, his successor Andrea Maddalena, received the Sacred Pallium from his hands, on behalf of Cardinal Francesco Pignatelli.
6. November 13, 1726 Monitorio of the archbishop of Filippi Giuseppe Accoramboni against the chapter of Guagnano.
7. November 16, 1728 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the office and mass of St. Liborius bishop, requested for the archdiocese by the archbishop of Brindisi from Benedict III for July 22 of each year.
8. October 11, 1728 Decree of the Sacred Congregation to the recourse of the canon Giovanni Antonio De Napoli who had to insure himself from Brindisi and from the service of the choir due to studies.
9. September 17, 1735 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the office and mass for the patronage of St. Joseph requested by the archbishop of Brindisi and granted for the first day after Easter Sunday.
10. March 4, 1741 Order of the apostolic nuncio of Naples to have Gaetano Madoni absolve his debt to Archdeacon Pietro Stea.
11. March 21, 1741 Letter from the archbishop for the above cause.
12. April 15, 1741 Letter from the apostolic nuncio to the archbishop for the above cause.
13. December 1, 1744 Decree of the archbishop of Brindisi for the use of the canonical habit to be worn over the corpses of deceased canons.
14. 1744 Proceedings for the tax of the uninhabited hamlet of Calone.
15. May 6, 1749 synodal decree of Archbishop Sersale which establishes that the chapter can only meet after having finished the divine offices and if it has to deal with secular administrative matters, the capitular relative even in the second degree of the subject in question must not intervene.
16. September 20, 1749 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the office of St. Leucio.
17. 20 July 1749 Certificate of the archbishop of Brindisi Antonio Sersale, patrician of Naples and Sorrento councilor on the sidelines of His Holiness and lord of S. Donaci and S. Pancrazio for the consecration of his cathedral church.
18. March 18, 1751 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the office of the Blessed Virgin of the Seven Sorrows.
19. April 3, 1754 Decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites for the office of the Holy Bishop Martyr Emigdio.
20. April 29, 1755 Chapter faith issued at the request of Grazia Pasimeo for the territorial limits between the Sbitri farm and the Giancola farm.
21. 1758 Act of faith of the priest Ferdinando Maria Geofilo hermit of Monte Luco of the province of Spoleto for the satisfaction of the masses of the benefit Le Donne di Brindisi.
22. 1760 As above
23. 11 March 1764 Exequatur of the royal chamber for acceptance to the chapter of the legacy of Giuseppe Ignini.
24. February 23, 1765 As above
25. 11 March 1769 Act for the promotion to the IV minor order of the cleric Teodoro D’Ippolito.
26. June 2, 1780 Decree of the Congregation of Rites for the indulgences granted to the nuns of the church of the Angels in Brindisi for the recitation of the litanies to the Virgin.
27. September 3, 1780 Concession of Friar Ilarione, father general of the Carmelites for the plenary indulgence in the article of death, in favor of the nuns of S. Maria degli Angeli of Brindisi who wear the scapular of the Virgin.
28. December 18, 1783 Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the supplication of the chapter asking that the archbishop extend the deadline for ordering the archive by another six months.
29. July 17, 1788 Supplication of the chapter to the king and decision of the royal offices of Lecce for the use of the prebends of the vacant canons.
30. s.d. Supplication of the chapter of Brindisi to the Sacred Congregation for the rights on the feasts that the canons and the dignities of the chapter must celebrate.
b. D / 2
1. 1809 Faculty of confession issued by Archbishop Annibale De Leo to the priest Giovanni Cagnulo di Veglie.
2. March 15, 1820 Document of the ministry of ecclesiastical affairs for the appointment of the canon penitentiary of the chapter of Brindisi.
3. April 6, 1822 Decree of Archbishop Giovanni Maria Tedeschi for the promotion to the clerical tonsure and to the four minor orders of the novice Giovanni Tarantini.
4. November 24, 1824 Act of the ministry of ecclesiastical affairs for the appointment of the archdeacon.
5. April 22, 1826 Transit of papal bulls for the appointment of the archbishop of Brindisi Pietro Consiglio.
6. December 23, 1826 Decree of the Archbishop Council for the appointment as subdeacon of the acolyte Giovanni Tarantini.
7. March 1, 1828 As above for his appointment as deacon.
8. May 31, 1828 As above for his appointment as priest.
9. June 11, 1828 Act of appointment as above for the same to the theological canonicate.
10. June 12, 1828 Archbishop’s decree for the appointment of theological canon with prebend in favor of Giovanni Tarantini.
11. 9 August 1828 Request for information from Naples for the plans of the receiving churches of the kingdom.
12. August 15, 1828 Royal assent in favor of the chapter for the acceptance of the legacy of Archbishop Annibale De Leo.
13. August 1828 Act of faith of the curia of Brindisi for the collegiality of the church of Mesagne.
14. 21 August 1828 Act of faith as done above by the bishop’s chancellery of the administrative curia of Ostuni for the collegiality of the churches of the diocese.
15. October 19, 1829 Decree of the Pro-Vicar General of the Archbishop Council so that the canon theologian Giovanni Tarantini can stay six months in Naples for his business.
16. November 17, 1829 Faculty of the Archbishop of Naples Cardinal Ruffo in favor of canon Tarantini for the celebration of Mass in any chapel in Naples during his stay in that city.
17. September 15, 1831 Decree of the general provicar of the archbishop so that the canon theologian Giovanni Tarantini can stay three months in Rome on his business.
18. September 15, 1831 Decree of the Archbishop Council in favor of canon Tarantini so that he can visit some churches for him in Rome and kiss Pope Gregory XVI’s foot.
January 19, 1832 Circular from the diocesan administration of Brindisi for the holders of benefits and participants of the receptive chapters.
20. January 20, 1832 Archiepiscopal appointment in favor of Giovanni Tarantini as prosinoidal examiner.
21. November 16, 1832 Concession made by the Holy See so that the canon theologian Giovanni Tarantini can read and hold books prohibited for study reasons.
22. December 31, 1833 Archiepiscopal nomination in favor of Antonio Tarantini as manager of the chapter.
23. 1834 Decision of the Sacred Congregation for the cause against the Carmelites.
24. 1834 Report of the public prosecutor appointed by the municipality of Brindisi for the dispute with the chapter for the rights due for the transport of the dead.
25. December 26, 1835 Decree of the archiepiscopal curia for the pointing of absentees in cgold.
26. February 4, 1836 As above, so that those who have exceeded the three conciliar months of absence from the choir are not considered participants.
27. December 20, 1836 Delegation of the Grand Prior of the Constantinian order in favor of Giovanni Tarantini for the Holy Visit of the chapel of St. Anthony in Brindisi.
28. January 31, 1840 Disposition of the capitular vicar so that the fine is applied more fairly by the procurator of the chapter to those absent in the choir.
29. September 30, 1840 Documents of the forest inspector for the Casignano forest fire.
30. 1840/41 Information from the minister of ecclesiastical affairs that the fruits of the abbey of St. Andrew by sovereign disposition were to be used for the maintenance of the missionaries of the Redeemer of Vallo in the diocese of Capaccio.
31. November 30, 1841 Statement by the Lecce mortgage registry in favor of the chapter.
32. 4 May 1842 Information from the archiepiscopal curia to Giovanni Tarantini for the election as prosynodal examiner.
33. January 28, 1844 Information from Archbishop Planeda al Tarantini asking him to take an interest in the pious work of propagating the faith to be founded in Brindisi.
34. January 18, 1845 Royal consent for, acceptance of the legacy of Maria Gianfreda.
35. March 9, 1845 Information from the archbishop to the procurator of the chapter for the acceptance of the legacy Gianfreda.
36. May 27, 1845 Decision of the Sacred Congregation for the obligations of the Brindisi chapter.
37.1845 4 August Archbishop Planeda’s decree in favor of canon Giovanni Guadalupi so that he could travel to Naples, Rome, Palermo for health reasons within two months.
38. 1845 7 December Decree of Archbishop Planeda in favor of Giovanni Tarantini for the appointment as archpriest of the church of Brindisi.
39. 1846 November 17 Document of the special deputation of the work of the port for the use of the fund of the chapter in the Rosea district.
40. 1847 Free state released by the archbishop of Leucosia for Raffaele Michelupi of Naples.
41. 1847 May 18 Report by Carmine Cerri head of section to the urban head of Brindisi for the quiet night spent
42. 1847 May 29 Declaration by friar Agostino dei Capuchin for having received from the hands of Giovanni Tarantini 30 ducats left by the sovereign to their church.
43. 1847 May 29 Document of the Special Deputation of the Port Work for the use of the fund in the Rosea district.
44. 1848 March 2 Royal assent in favor of the chapter for the legacy of Giuseppe D’Amici.
45. 1849 January 10 Archbishop Planeda is informed to the chapter regarding the agreement granted by the pope for the resignation of the archbishopric.
46. 1849 March 4 Deed for the assignment given by the archbishop to Giovanni Tarantini to examine the priest Leuzzi of Salice in order to enable him to make confessions.
47. 1849 April 7 Order of the deputation of the province of Otranto to the chapter to uproot the reeds near the aqueduct in the S. Crispiero garden.
48. 1849 20 May Memory for some fines paid by the chapter for some new factories in via Amena.
49. 1849 July 14 Royal assent in favor of the chapter for the legacy of Giuseppe Chimienti.
50. 1849 August 28 Information from the archbishop to the procurator general of the chapter for the acceptance of the aforementioned legacy.
51. 1849 November 10 Passport to Naples issued to Giovanni Tarantini archpriest curate in Brindisi.
52. 1849 November 16 Archbishop Planeda’s decree in favor of Giovanni Tarantini so that he can stay two months in Naples for his business.
52 bis. 1850 January 31 Letter from the Archbishop elected in Brindisi Msgr. Round to the chapter in thanks to their manifestations at the time of the appointment.
53. 1850 March 13 Regio exequatur to the apostolic bull for the appointment of Giovanni Tarantini as primicerio of the Brindisi chapter.
54. 1850 June 6 Decree of the vicar general archdeacon Guerrieri so that the procurator would not grant some lands to plant vineyards.
55. 1852 Witness letter from Archbishop Ferrigno for the baptism of Rosa Cerrone from the land of San Vito.
56. 1853 23 June Decision of the Sacred Congregation for the innovations of prayers.
57. 1854 June 2 Letter from the prior of the Teresians of Brindisi to the vicar general for participation in the processions.
58. 1854 July 15 Regio exequatur to the apostolic bull for the appointment of Giovanni Tarantini as perpetual and irrevocable assistant of the archdeacon of first dignity.
59. 1856 January 18 Faculty of the Sacred Congregation for the capitular vicar Vito Guerrieri.
60. 1856 June 28 Decree of the vicar general Archdeacon Guerrieri so that his assistant Giovanni Tarantini could go to Naples on his business.
61. 1859 February 4 Request of the archbishop to the procurator of the chapter for the formation of the audiences of the pious works.
61 bis. 1860 Program of the diocesan director of the Italian clergy (print).
62. 1865 May 9 Passport for Venice issued to Giovanni Tarantini.
63. 1865 July 27 Decision of the bursar general of vacant benefits for the claim of the treasurer de Castro against the dead hand tax and annual competition fee.
64. 1866 March 15 Reply of the sub-treasurer to a decision already taken against the chapter.
65. 1866 December 14 Circular of the ministry of finance for the ecclesiastical assets passed to the State property.
66. 1867 January 8 Information from the municipality of Brindisi to the procurator of the chapter for the legacy of Chiara Taliento in favor of the Congregation of Charity with the weight of 5 anniversary years.
67. 1867 June 17 Passport to the Papal States for Giovanni Tarantini.
68. 1867 June 26 Certificate of the mayor of Brindisi Luigi De Marzo for the tax on deposits and loans.
69. 1867 September 18 Concession of the Ministry of Finance for the provisional administration of ecclesiastical assets granted to some invested.
70. 1867 October 7 Pontifical Faculty for the purchasers of ecclesiastical goods.
71. 1869 April 4 Declaration of the municipality of Brindisi for taking possession of the separated leased olive trees.
72. 1869 October 25 Request of the registry office to the chapter for the production of lease contracts.
73. 1869 28 October Decree of the council for the conservation of monuments for the appointment of Giovanni Tarantini as a member of that commission for the province of Terra d’Otranto.
74. 1871/72 February 4 Approval of the finance office of the treasury of the Brindisi chapter.
75. 1872 23 July Information from the municipality of Brindisi for the archdiaconal prebend.
76. 1872 December 3 Pontifical Faculty in favor of Archbishop Ferrigno for all rights in his archdiocese.
77. 1873 January 31 Letter from the chancellor of the curia of Brindisi to the procurator of the chapter informing that the canon penitentiary Vincenzo Negro had been elected archbishop to the archpriesty of Veglie, his homeland.
78. 1873 July 31 Document of the Finance Office for the request to the chapter of some complaints to be produced in good time.
79. 1875 May 25-August 2 Decree of the Sacred Congregation in favor of the capitular vicar of Brindisi in vacant seat.
80. 1875 28 August Decree for the appointment of Archdeacon Giovanni Tarantini as inspector of excavations and monuments in Brindisi.
81. 1875 September 29 Letter from Archbishop Aquilar to the archdiocese to inform him of his appointment and to guarantee the appointment of an administrative archdeacon Giovanni Tarantini.
82. 1975/76 Documents of the royal bursar and sub bursar of vacant benefits for the administration of the archiepiscopal seminary of Brindisi.
83. 1876 February 25 Extract from the parish registers of Brindisi for the degree of kinship between Desiderio Guadalupi and Maria Caterina Guadalupi for the request for a marriage dispensation.
84. 1877 March 16 Minute of supplication for Pius IX made by the chapter of Brindisi for administrative matters.
85. 1877 Id. Of November Marital dispensation for fourth degree of consanguinity issued by Rome for the marriage of Giuseppe Spagnulo and Luisa Franco.
86. 1877 Archbishop Aquilar’s license for the faculty of confession in favor of Antonio Maione.
87. 1879 July 4 Decree of the archbishop of Brindisi for the competition of the parish priest of the church of Brindisi.
88. 1879 IV Kal. of September Privileges of the apostolic protonotaries (print).
89. 1879 February 28 Act of faith by Felicia Palasciano benefited from the chapter.
90. 1879/80 Documents of the Finance Office for the conversion of some income of the chapter.
91. 1880 Faculty issued by the archbishop to Antonio Notary of the Salesian congregation for confessions.
92. 1881 February 28 Request of the canon Luigi De Marco parish priest of the SS. Trinity of Brindisi to the chapter for a grant for the restoration of his church.
93. April 1881 Supplication of the chapter and concession of the Sacred Congregation for the sale of the house in Largo Concordia of the Marinazzo benefit.
94. 1881 June 10 Pontifical decree for the appointment of Giovanni Tarantini as apostolic protonotary.
95. 1881 July 5 Faculty given by the Sacred Congregation to Archdeacon Tarantini for the celebration of some masses in his private oratory.
96. 1881 5 August Information from the sub-bursar for the special accounts of the vacant canonies in Brindisi.
97. 1881 December 9 Act of the offices of the sub-prefecture of Brindisi for the renewal of the executive role of the archdeacon’s prebend.
98. 1882 May 28 Faculty of the Sacred Congregation in favor of Giovanni Tarantini so that the Masses celebrated in his private oratory may also be valid for his relatives.
99. 1882 November 8 As above so that the Masses are also valid for foreigners.
100. 1883 12 April Order of the Archdeacon Tarantini procurator of the chapter so that the representative of the curia is among the rational examiners of the administration of the chapter.
101. 1883 lJuly Declaration by the Ripa sisters to ascertain that the priest Cosimo Camassa had celebrated daily in their private oratory.
102. 1883 July 27 Act of verification of the capitular accounts made by the priest Memmola.
103. 1883 Documents of the royal bursar of vacant benefits for the adjustment of installments of the primary cantor of Brindisi.
104. 1885 March 18 Archbishop Aquilar’s decree for the spot welding regime.
105. 1885 March 19 Appointment of Archbishop Aquilar in favor of the canonical mansionary Cosimo Giorgino as member of the administration of the archdiocesan seminary.
106. 1885 December 21 Letter from Archbishop Aquilar for the sacred functions in honor of St. Leucio, first bishop of Brindisi.
107. 1886 June 21 Archdeacon Tarantini’s request to the Finance Office for the Petrù benefit.
108. 1888 April 12 Act of the royal treasurer for the vacant mansionary of the cathedral.
109. 1888 5 July Decree of the Sacred Congregation for the Archdeacon Tarantini to be exempted from attending the choir due to his advanced age.
110. 1889 February 20 Supplication of the prior of S. Paolo Antonio Cesarea for the morning mass in his church.
111. 1889 23 February Act of the royal bursar for the administration of the archpriesthood of the cathedral.
112. 1889 2 May Act of the royal bursar for the administration of the Brindisi treasury bursar.
113. 1889 June 4 Transit of the apostolic letters in favor of the elected Archbishop Salvatore Palmieri of Rossano.
114. 1890 April 21 Act of the royal bursar for the release from seizure and delivery of certificates to the archdeacon of the cathedral.
115. 1890 April 27 Royal assent in favor of the chapter for the acceptance of the legacy of Giuseppa Taliento.
116. 1890 June 5 As above for the acceptance of the bequest of Carolina Candilera.
117. 1892 May 14 Supplication of the heirs of Teodoro Rescia for the reduction of some tithes.
118. 1892 Act of the sub-bursar for the check to the chapter vicar.
119. 1893 May 13 Act of the sub-bursar for the above cause.
120. 1893 May 26 Notification of the canonical vicar general Felice del Sordo to the archdeacon so that the chapter archive being in a deplorable state was ordered and reassembled with the papers extracted from the priests concerned.
121.1893 November 12 Request of Alessio Balsamo to the chapter for the reduction of the tithes on the S. Elia funds.
122. 1893 December 20 Letter from Archbishop Palmieri appointing Archdeacon Antonio Di Giulio as his pastoral co-visitor for the entire archdiocese.
123. 1893 Report of delivery made by the royal treasurer to the new canon treasurer.
124. 1894 Circular and other orders of the archbishop and vicar general for the appointment of the provicar general Paolo Epifani of S. Vito
125. 1895 January 11 Edict of Archbishop Palmieri so that the morning mass in the cathedral church is at dawn and in S. Paolo half an hour later.
126. 1895 April 23 Supplication of canon Laviano to the archbishop so that he can exempt himself from the choir given his age.
127. 1895 August 9 Circular from the vicar general Francesco Paolo Epifani for the feast of September 20.
128. 1895 Document for adjustment of the installment of the cantoral prebend.
129. 1896 February 25 Archbishop Palmieri’s order for the gathering of the clergy in the cathedral for a spiritual retreat ordered by Leo XIII.
130. 1896 March 29 Circular from the general provicar to the rectors and chaplains of the church and confraternity for Holy Week functions.
131. 1896 March 31 Information from canon Leanza about the rights of precedence over honorary canons.
132. 1896 June 15 Minutes of delivery of the sub-treasurer for the prebend to the new canon treasurer
133. 1896 Decrees of the vicar general for his absence from the seat and for the pointing at the service of the choir.
134. 1897 January Request of the archbishop of Brindisi to the chapter for the demonstration of the chapter plan with the answer of the same chapter.
135. 1897 10 February Information from the archbishop to the archdeacon for the dispensation from the choir service for Giustino Minunni granted by the Sacred Congregation for school days.
136.1897 February 16 Report of Archdeacon Di Giulio to the Archbishop for the masses neglected by Abbot Bringidoro.
137. 1897 24 September Order of the archbishop to the archdeacon for the convocation of the chapter for enrollment in the spiritual retreat.
138. 1899 March 18 Concession of Archbishop Palmieri so that the Easter precept is possible until Sunday of the SS. Trinity.
139. 1899 May 26 Report of delivery of the sub-bursar of the prebend of the canon treasurer
140. 1899 July 25 Order of the vicar general to the archdeacon to explain the distribution defects caused to the detriment of the plaintiff Cosimo Giorgino.
141. 1899 15 September Circular of the Pro-Vicar General for the spiritual retreat of the clergy ordained by Leo XIII.
142. 1899 15 September Letter from the Pro-Vicar General to the archdeacon of the chapter to prepare a just reception for Cardinal Cretone and Msgr. Respighi who had to pass through Brindisi.
b. D / 3
1. 1900 April 26 Letter of thanks from the king to the chapter sent through the sub-prefecture for the functions performed by the chapter for the narrow escape from the attack.
2. 1900 April 15 Archbishop’s decree for the reduction of compulsory masses granted by the Sacred Congregation.
3. 1900 April 12 Supplication of the capitulars to the archbishop for low masses to be celebrated at the altar of the Sacrament.
4. 1902 January 4 Archbishop’s decree for spot welding.
5. 1903 February 4 Circular letter from Archbishop Salvatore Palmieri to pray for the pontiff.
6. 1904 July 18 Order of the archbishop for the celebration of masses due under penalty of suspension for those who fail to fulfill their obligations.
7. 1906 January 21 Invitation from the vicar general to the procurator of the chapter for the holidays to be held for the new archbishop Morando.
8. 1906 May 7 Request of the priest Teodoro Caravaglio to the curia for the administration of the Marinazzo benefit.
9. 1906 August 29 Letter from the vicar general to the archdeacon to inform that the archbishop wants to appoint four portions and two honorary canons for the service of the choir.
10. 1906 September 7 As above for the above cause.
11. 1906 19 September Decree of the vicar general for the functions in honor of the queen SS. del Rosario in October.
12. 1906 October 20 Archbishop Morando’s bull for the appointment of Francesco Giuffré as canon penitentiary with the royal approval of the king’s attorney general.
13. 1906 December 29 Archbishop’s proposal for the revision of the capitular statutes
14. 1907 January 2 Letter from the archbishop for the above cause.
15. 1907 January 29 Archbishop’s order for stapling at the service of the choir and the altar.
16. 1907 January 20 Order of the same for the commemoration of deceased bishops and priests.
17. 1907 February 3 Order of the same for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the church of the Angels and charity evening.
18. 1907 February 10 Order of the same for the special functions and the triduum to S. Leucio so that the rain that causes damage to the countryside does not persist.
19. 1907 May 25 Acts of the royal treasurer for the approval of the prebends of the dignitaries of the church of Brindisi.
20. 1907 May 25 Order of the archbishop for the celebration of the triduum in the octave of Corpus according to the wishes of the Holy Father.
21. 1907 July 29 Order of the vicar general for the moral case and the pontifical retreat.
22. 1907 August 28 Archbishop’s decree on Holy Visit so that the participants are not absent from the choir in the days of solemn pontifical.
23. 1908 January 21 Order of the archbishop for the report on the capitular statutes.
24. 1908 January 24 Reply of the archbishop to the chapter resolution of January 18 for the association of corpses.
25. 1908 11 February Order of the archbishop for the regime of chapter masses.
26. 1908 March 11 Particular decrees of Archbishop Morando made in the Holy Visit for the metropolitan church of Brindisi.
27. 1908 August 5 Archbishop’s order signed by Chancellor Teodoro Caravaglio for the funeral of Msgr. Salvatore Palmieri.
28. 1908 September 5 Archbishop’s act for the promotion of some capitulars not approved by the same chapter.
29. 1908 26 September Order of the archbishop for the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the novena to be done in the church of Brindisi.
30. 1908 December 31 Order of the same to apply greater penalties against those absent from the loved one.
31. 1909 January 15 Notice of the archbishop for the moral case to be brought in writing except for the dignity of the chapter, prosynodal examiners, old confessors, parish priests and vicars forane.
32. 1909 April 7 Archbishop’s order to the mansionary canons and priests of Brindisi for the binations of masses in particular needs.
33. 1910 12 April Request of the administration of the Cella Rejes farm for the tithes due to the chapter.
34. 1911 April 26th Decree of Archbishop Valeri in Holy Visit for the metropolitan church of Brindisi.
35. 1911 Letter from Canon Camassa to the archbishop asking the capitals of the old cathedral to be arranged in a better way and not as a base for the statue of St. Rocco.
36. 1912 January 10 Circular from the archiepiscopal curia to chaplains of the brotherhoods and pious unions for the appointment of presidents and priors.
37. 1912 January 15 Report of delivery made by the sub-bursar for some vacant benefits of the church of Brindisi.
38. 1913 22 February Circular to the chaplains of the brotherhoods and pious unions for the application of the order set out in the circular of 10 January.
39. 1913 February 24 Decision of the apostolic dataria for the conferral of the diaconate on the priest Giovanni Lopez with the burden in favor of the pro tempore archpriest consisting in the payment of a portion of his prebend.
40. 1913 6 September Invitation of the archbishop to the procurator to produce the reasons for a chapter resolution.
41. 1913 various dates Acts for the appointment of the canon treasurer.
42. 1913 various dates Acts for the hierarchical plan of the chapter.
43. 1914 January 24 Delivery report for the prebend of the new treasurer.
44. 1914 May 14 Considerations of some capitulars for the modification of the order of the archbishop so that a priest at the funeral remains at least in the parish for the administration of the sacraments.
45. 1914 June 8 Order of Archbishop Valeri so that people outside the cult do not have access to church bell towers.
46. 1914 June 30 Project of restoration work necessary for the cathedral of Brindisi.
47. 1914 November 21 Approval of the royal treasurer to appoint the new treasurer.
48. 1914 November 30 Appointment of the prosecutor Salvatore Polmone as member of the commission for the erection of new parishes.
49. 1914 December 29 Archbishop’s order for participation in benefits.
50. 1914 Acts of the royal sub-bursar for the treasurer’s prebend.
51. 1915 22 February Order of the archiepiscopal curia for the collection pro pacis.
52. 1915 April 24 Order of the archbishop for the service of the choir.
53. 1915 April Notes from the archiepiscopal curia to be kept in the archive regarding the erection of new parishes.
54. 1915 May 21 Archbishop Valeri’s decree for relations between the chapter and the new parishes with accompanying letter to the college of parish priests of the city.
55. 1915 November 10 Reports on the appointment of new prosynodal examiners and delegated parish priests.
56. 1915 December 14 Archbishop’s decree for spot welding.
57. 1916 May 11 Act of the general treasurer for the release of the treasury prebend.
58. 1917 January 8 Information for the appointment of Salvatore Polmone as curial pointer for that year.
59. 1918 2 May Act of the Lecce Public Prosecutor’s Office for the legate Guadalupi.
60. 1919 April 5-May 2 As above acts of the sub-prefecture of Brindisi.
61. 1919 19- 4 October Order of Archbishop Valeri for the functions of 2 November and the month of the dead.
62. 1920 January 9 Archbishop’s request to the procurator for the explanation of the causes for which Canon Caiulo had been excluded from distribution.
63. 1920 November 26 Archbishop’s decree for alms obtainable during the celebration of masses.
64. 1920 November 30 Order of the curia for extraordinary functions to be celebrated in Brindisi for the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as patron of the whole Church.
65. 1921 23 January Order of Archbishop Valeri for dispensation from fasting and abstinence and for some collections notified to parish priests.
66. 1921 2 February Archbishop Valeri’s decree for the reduction of masses in the Conte chapel.
67. 1921 February 27 Communication from the archbishop of Brindisi for royal assent to the sale of a house in Mesagne belonging to the parish of SS. Already announced of the Marinazzo benefit.
68. 1921 March 30 Order of the archiepiscopal curia so that the confreres who carry the statues on their shoulders in the processions wear a smock or an emblem of the brotherhood.
69. 1921 March 5 Information from the archbishop to the chapter to protect his rights in the sale of the land that the municipality wanted to allow in the district of Lausanne for building land.
70. 1921 October 21 Act of the power of attorney for the participation in the chapter of the priest Antonio Minunni.
71. 1921 October-December Proceedings for the appointment of the treasurer Camassa and of the canon Airoldi.
72. 1922 January 2 Archbishop’s decree for the fine for priests absent from pontifical functions.
73.1922 January 2 Archbishop’s decree for stapling and service at the altar.
74. 1922 March 31 Report of delivery of the sub-bursar for the cantor’s prebend.
75. 1922 April 5 As above for the treasurer’s prebend.
76. 1923 June 30 Proceedings for the questions of the canons and of the participants for the congruous supplement.
77. 1924 January 12 Report of the persons in charge of the dispute between Archpriest Camassa and Canon Ajroldi.
78. 1924 September 22 Notification of Archbishop Valeri to the Chapter for the celebration of the anniversary of Benedetto Brin.
79. 1925 November 22 Archbishop Valeri decree so that the concerts are not held in hidden places and that the singers do not stop in the sacristy.
80. 1927 XV Kal. of March Bull of Pius XI for the appointment of Francesco Memmola as archdeacon. The formula of the oath is united.
81. 1927 March 16 Archbishop Valeri’s decree for the offer established for the celebration of masses.
82. 1927 November 10 Notice of Archbishop Valeri for the pro-seminary day.
83. 1927 November 25 Notice of Archbishop Valeri because on 4 d December after the sung mass will open the Holy Pastoral Visit in the metropolitan church of Brindisi.
84. 1929 Proceedings of the royal bursar for the sale of a piece of furniture of the chapter.
85. 1931 January 8 Act of the administration of the ecclesiastical assets of the archdiocese for the faculty of the chapter to sell some assets in the Formoso and Gianvito districts.
86. 1931 February 22 Report of the treasurer Leucio Passante and the archpriest Ercolini to compile the catalog of the archive papers by an expert person and to arrange it in a safe place.
87. 1932 March 15 Archbishop’s decree for the appointment of Eugenio Giuffré as canon dean.
88. 1932 May 2 Archbishop’s order for the convocation of the chapter and appointment of Francesco Cesarea as member of the board of directors.
89. 1932 May 6 Delivery report for the prebend of the parish priest of the cathedral.
90. 1932 December 21 Act of the ministry of grace and justice for the parish benefit of the cathedral.
91. 1933 4 December Deed of Archbishop Valeri for the establishment of the parish of Casale in the church of S. Maria del Casale until the construction of a new church.
92. 1934 March Invitation of Archbishop Valeri to the chapter for participation in functions in honor of the new S. Pompilio Maria Pirrotti who as a priest was consecrated in the church of Brindisi.
93. 1934 17 September Order of the archbishop for the procurator of the chapter to pay to the administration of the seminary the shares of the canon Camassa defaulting to the services of the choir and to the fines of the stapling.
94. 1934 28 September Report of delivery of the prebend to the new parish priest of the cathedral.
95. 1934 November 11 Archbishop Valeri’s order for the restoration of the cathedral sacristy.
96. 1935 21 August Act of Archbishop Valeri for thanking the chapter who had organized his jubilee celebrations.
97. 1935 21 August Act of the mayor of the city of Brindisi for the invitation to the chapter to accompany Luigi Monticelli’s funeral.
98. 1936 April 25 Report of the chapter to the pontiff for the legate of Giacomina Guadalupi.
99. 1936 May 31 Notification of the podestà of Brindisi to the chapter regarding the itinerary for funeral transport since the pavement of via Conserva and Porta Lecce had to be rebuilt
100. 1936 June 8 Act of Archbishop Valeri for the restoration of the cathedral.
101. 1936 June 27 Order of the Pro-Vicar General for the application of fines to those absent in the choir.
102. 1936 July 10 Report of the chapter to the archbishop for the beneficiary bail.
103. 1936 Change to catechism and Christian doctrine: printed text and churches of the archbishop.
104. 1936 Circular letter from the Sacred Congregation of the Council for the request for subsidies for the erection of the sanatorium for the Italian clergy.
105. 1937 February 16 Supplication of the chapter to the Sacred Congregation for Pizzigallo with response from the Sacred Congregation.
106. 1937 March 20 Request of the archiepiscopal curia of Corcirio, Zakynthos and Kefalonia for the healing of the Lorizio-Cavaliere marriage.
107. 1937 April 12 Order of Archbishop Valeri to have ministers at the altar be present at the sung mass on holidays.
108. 1937 11 June Act of the Sacred Congregation for the legate of Giacomina Guadalupi.
109. 1937 12 June Order of Archbishop Valeri for the participation of the capitulars in the conventual mass.
110. 1937 June 18 Memorial of Archbishop Valeri for the restoration of the 16th century wooden choir of the cathedral.
111. 1937 August 31st Request from the priest Giuseppe Galetta to the chapter for participation.
112. 1937 September 9 Letter from Archbishop Valeri to the chapter for the celebration of his priestly golden wedding.
113. 1937 6 October Order of Archbishop Valeri for the chapter to send a petition to the pope so that St. Lawrence of Brindisi can be considered a Doctor of the Church.
114. 1938 January 10 Supplication of the chapter to the Sacred Congregation for the arrangement of the Guadalupi benefit and the reduction of masses.
115. 1938 May 14 Order of the archiepiscopal curia for the jubilation of Archdeacon Memmola.
116. 1938/39 First degree award diploma awarded to the St. Joan of Arc association for profits in Christian doctrine by the archiepiscopal curia.
117. 1939 10 February Order of Archbishop Valeri for the funeral of Pius XI.
118. 1939 April 1 Thanksgiving from the navy squad admiral for the chapter’s participation in the ceremony in honor of the fallen on the Albanian front.
119. 1940 March 27 Order of the prefect of Brindisi to the chapter for the right to sell the property in the Rosea district.
120. 1940 November 15 Order of the provicar general so that the capitulars are dispensed from the service of the choir and that the reliquaries and silverware be transported to the library and to the secret room of the diocesan office given the dangers of air raids.
121, 1941 22 February Act of Christian faith pronounced by the neophyte De Angelis Mario di Cataldo born in the province of Catanzaro and baptized and confirmed that year in the church of Brindisi.
122. 1941 March Order of Archbishop Valeri for the Holy Thursday function in Ostuni.
123. 1941 June 29 Application of the priest Giuseppe Santoro to the chapter for participation.
124. 1941 September 11 Archbishop Valeri’s decree for the closure of the sixth pastoral visit to the archdiocese of Brindisi and the diocese of Ostuni.
125. 1942 May 16 Publication of the outcome of the competition for a vacant participation in the chapter won by Giovanni Madaro.
126. 1942 June 5 Certificate of the apostolic penitentiary issued to the parish priest of the Brindisi subway Teodoro Caravaglio to be enjoyed in his church.
127. 1942 August 14 Communication from the archbishop of Taranto Fernando Bernardi to the chapter and clergy of Brindisi for his appointment as apostolic administrator of Brindisi and Ostuni.
128. 1942 November 6 The chapter’s plea to the archbishop for the accommodation of the priest Pizzigallo.
129. 1943 April 7 Act of the elected archbishop De Filippis in which he declares that he will soon take canonical possession of the archdiocese. Given by the episcopal curia of Veroli.
130. 1943 April 10 Order of the curia for the hours of Holy Week functions.
131. 1943 Order of the archiepiscopal curia so that the begging grants of the cathedral pass to the administration of the diocesan office.
132. 1945 March 16 Notification of the archiepiscopal curia for the appointment of canon Teodoro Caravaglio as member of the prefectural committee for subsidies to relatives in need of the military.
133. 1947 Documents for the mission of the Christian pro civitate in Brindisi.
134. 1950 Acts for the requisition of the Rosea and Posillipo estates.
135. 1953 Letter from Archbishop De Filippis to the Chapter to inform of the appointment in Rome of his successor Archbishop Margiotta.
136. 1954 January 4 Participations for the honors given to the new archbishop by the committee to the capitulars.
137. 1954 January 17 Delegation made by Archbishop Nicola Margiotta to canon Teodoro Caravaglio to represent him in the municipal committee for winter rescue.
138. 1954 March 4 Order of the archiepiscopal curia for the census of parish benefits.
139. 1954 May 18 Notification of the archiepiscopal curia to the chapter for the appointment of Giuseppe Cavaliere as treasurer curate of the cathedral.
140. 1954 March 31 Act of the vicar general Orazio Semeraro for the appointment of Teodoro Caravaglio as member of the committee for the Marian pilgrimage.
141. 1954 June 9 Act of Archbishop Margiotta for the appointment of Msgr. Caravaglio as promoter of justice in the ecclesiastical court of the archdiocese.
142. 1955 January 19 Act of the archiepiscopal curia in favor of Msgr. Caravaglio as executor of the decrees for the Holy Visit.
143. 1955 March 12 Notification of the archbishop for the appointment as archdeacon made in favor of Msgr. Caravaglio.
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